This study is examining governance aspects of MPAs to improve long-term effectiveness, drawing on an analysis of five categories of incentives: legal, economic, participative, interpretative and knowledge-based. This interdisciplinary analysis draws on insights from conservation biology, recommending a complex network of governing incentives and institutions (mirroring the complex network of trophic relationships present in natural systems). Link to project website
Dr. Peter J.S. Jones, Professor of Environmental Governance, University College London Department of Geography
Dr. Peter J.S. Jones, Professor of Environmental Governance, University College London Department of Geography
- De Santo, E.M., Jones, P.J.S., Qiu, W., and Clifton, J. (Eds.), (2013) Special issue of Marine Policy : “Governing Marine Protected Areas: towards socio-ecological resilience through institutional and biological diversity” containing sixteen case study analyses and the following authored/co-authored articles:
- Jones, P.J.S., De Santo, E.M., and Qiu, W. (2013) Introduction: an empirical framework for deconstructing the realities of governing marine protected areas. Marine Policy 41: 1-4.
- Jones, P.J.S., Qiu, W., and De Santo, E.M. (2013) Governing marine protected areas: socio-ecological resilience through institutional and biological diversity. Marine Policy 41: 5-13.
- De Santo, E.M. (2013) The Darwin Mounds Special Area of Conservation: implications for offshore marine governance. Marine Policy 41: 25-32.